create your digital vision

A digital vision is an idea of the future of your work in the world of AI.

filip drimalka


The future of your work is defined by the decisions you make today. And a digital vision can help inform those decisions. That’s why it should become your priority and part of your main digital strategy. Because only after you know where you want to go can you work on getting there.

Developing a digital vision will help you:

  1. Become aware of the areas that are affected by digital technologies and AI.
  2. Identify key agendas to focus on when searching for digital solutions.
  3. Gather material for the potential preparation of a digital strategy.

Step no. 1: Get Inspired

Read The Future of No Work, or go through the apps at This will provide you with insights into the future of work in the age of AI.

Step no. 2: Explore New Smart Tools

Explore the list of apps, online services and startups from “The Future of No Work” or other relevant sources. You can find them all on the resources page.

Consider how these technologies might influence your work and how you can leverage them to your advantage.

Step no. 3: Create Your Digital Vision

Choose whether to create a personal vision or a team vision.

Envision the Future

  • Imagine your work in the age of AI with no limitations on digital tools. 
  • Reflect on the following questions:
    • What will change?
    • What will remain the same?
    • What will humans do?
    • What tasks will technologies handle?
    • What tasks will AI eliminate?
    • What new activities will AI enable? 
  • If you have trouble coming up with ideas, try asking these questions:
    • If we had ten times more work, what would we need to automate?
    • If we only had half the time, how would we manage?
    • If we hired assistants, what tasks would they handle?
    • If we had a magic wand, which tasks would we eliminate?
    • What tasks do you keep putting off?

Write Down Your Ideas

  • Create a list, mind map, or notes.
  • Compile your ideas into a presentation to share with colleagues.
  • Be specific.
  • Use real-life examples.
  • Focus on value-creating activities and automating unnecessary routines.

Example: A Digital Vision for a Sales Professional

  • We will have a personal virtual assistant that will handle tasks such as…
  • We will send personalized videos to customers, in which we will address…
  • We will have a virtual data analyst who will process data for us, including…
  • We will automatically download interesting content for our clients from these sources…
  • I will no longer manually create reports; instead, this will be done for me in the following way…
  • I will have much more time for customers, with whom I will be able to…

Of course, after the ellipsis, imagine a specific idea. And it doesn’t have to be about any particular technologies or apps

Step no. 4: Seek Feedback

Share your digital vision with others or seek feedback from a digital expert.


  • How realistic are our ideas?
  • Which ideas should be prioritized?
  • Are there existing tools we could use?
  • Could any ideas be implemented with current tools?
  • Who could offer advice or share experiences?

If you need help with your vision, reach out to us ( for feedback, advice on accelerating implementation, or discussing ways to realize some innovations easily today.